How Does Hypermobility Affect Your Feet?

If you have hypermobile joints, you're probably already used to experiencing others' surprise and confusion when you mention it. Even though estimates say that about 20% of the population has hypermobility syndrome (HMS), few people know about it. And even fewer understand what it is and what its symptoms are. You may experience chronic pain as a result of your condition; this pain can come from your lower back, hips, or knees. But did you know that HMS can also affect your feet? It's true: having hypermobile joints can cause problems with pain and injury in your feet. Let's look at some ways HMS affects your feet—and how a Podiatrist Windsor can help you manage those effects. Hypermobility can cause musculoskeletal pain . In some cases, this can lead to pain in your joints and muscles. The trouble is that it's hard to pin down which hypermobility causes what kind of pain. You could be born with hypermobility, or you might develop it over time after an injury or ...