How to Heal Your Spine, Neck and Shoulders with Physio

Finding the perfect combination of exercises to help your body heal from various ailments can be a challenge. Let’s face it, injuries and illnesses don’t discriminate based on age, gender, or fitness level. Even if you aren’t actively training clients, you are still susceptible to injury. This article will explain everything you need to know about the importance of spinal alignment and how to correct it with physio South Melbourne.

The function of your spine

Your spine is the backbone of your body. It connects all of your major organs and helps to support your muscles, ligaments, and other connective tissue. The bones in your spine are called vertebrae. There are 20 vertebrae in your spine, and each vertebra supports a large amount of weight. The function of each vertebra is to support the other vertebrae above and below it. Properly maintaining your posture while sitting, standing, walking, and lying down can help to prevent back and neck pain.

Bad posture can also lead to other health conditions, such as numbness and tingling in your hands and feet. If you notice that you are slouching, extending your back, or have a high mould of your upper body, then you should focus on correcting these posture problems. While you don’t want to go overboard, correcting simple habits such as getting your upper body too close to your knees can make you feel more stressed and short-legged.

The Importance of Good Posture

Good posture can help to protect your back and spine from numerous diseases and injuries. If you keep your spine straight, it will be less likely to sprout stress sores and other painful conditions. It will be able to move more freely and comfortably, allowing you to work and play more effectively.

The Importance of Spinal Alignment

While poor posture may cause back and neck pain, it can also cause them to change position unhelpfully, which can cause even more pain. In addition, your posture while at work can affect your ability to be productive, with poor alignment causing stiff and sore muscles on the small and big picture level.

Proven Benefits of Correct Spinal Alignment

If you keep your back and neck straight, you will be able to maintain your balance and prevent falls. Your spine is made up of vertebrae, each of which is attached to the next by strong ligaments and muscles. If one bone in your spine is out of alignment, then the other bones surrounding it will be out of alignment as well. This can lead to muscle spasms, weakness, numbness, and tingling in your hands and feet.


Physio South Melbourne can help to correct alignment issues in your spine, neck, and shoulders. If you are having difficulty with one area, you should work on correcting it with the others. This can help to prevent shoulder and back pain and even improve your posture. If you are not feeling well, physical therapy could be a lifesaver. It can help you to get better and even offer tips on how to prevent back and joint pain in the future.

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