Important Tips for Getting Ready for The Podiatrist

 The professional podiatrist Windsor is a physician who specializes in the treatment of the foot and ankle. The doctor will perform an examination and gather information about your medical history, specifically regarding previous injuries or surgeries that may have been performed on your feet, ankles, or lower leg. This examination will determine whether any further testing is required to make a diagnosis of what's causing your pain.

Be aware of your symptoms.

The list below should help you become more familiar with the signs and symptoms of podiatry issues. If you have any of these problems, be sure to discuss them with your podiatrist at your next appointment.

  • Pain or tenderness on the bottom of your foot
  • Swelling in the soft tissue between your toes
  • Pain or stiffness in joints like the big toe joint (MTP) or ankle joint (talocrural)
  • Soreness over pressure points on top of foot (bunion) or under side of foot (plantar fasciitis)

Be honest with your doctor.

  • Be honest with them.
  • Tell them about any medications you are taking, especially prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications.
  • If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, tell them so they can provide the best care possible for you.
  • Tell them if you have any medical conditions that affect circulation or nerves in your feet. This could include diabetes, peripheral vascular disease (poor blood flow), Raynaud's disease (cold hands and feet), thyroid conditions, heart problems, and other disorders that affect circulation to the extremities (arms or legs).

experienced podiatrists in Windsor

Don't assume you know the diagnosis.

Many people go into their appointment with a very specific idea of what is wrong with them, and then are shocked when the doctor offers another theory. Sometimes patients feel like they know what the problem is because they've had it before or have seen something similar on TV, but podiatrists aren't always able to diagnose based on those things. 

You should always ask for a diagnosis from your podiatrist so you can at least be aware of all of your options and make an informed decision about what should happen next.

Remember that there may be more than one way to treat an injury or condition! If you're worried about how much treatment will cost or how long it will take before you feel better again, try not to make any assumptions until after speaking with your doctor first!

Report any changes to the podiatrist in advance.

Before the appointment, it's important to tell your podiatrist about any changes in symptoms and medications. If you've been experiencing pain or swelling in your leg or foot, let the podiatrist know. 

Also be sure to give them a full list of medications you're currently taking—including doses, side effects, and how often they're taken. Likewise, if you've had any new medical conditions (such as diabetes) or allergies (like a latex allergy), make sure that these are on record with your podiatrist.

Call your insurer before your appointment.

If you're covered by a health insurance plan, it's important to call your insurer before your appointment with the podiatrist.

  • Check your coverage
  • Check your deductible and co-pay
  • Check co-insurance and co-payment

When you go to the doctor's office, there are a few things that you can do to help ensure that you get the best treatment. First and foremost, it is important that you know your symptoms as well as possible. For example, if your foot aches when you stand on it for long periods of time, try not to ignore this symptom or assume it will go away on its own. If your foot pain does not go away after a few days or weeks, then it is time to see a podiatrist about what could be causing the problem and how best to treat it.


Remember that your professional podiatrist Prahran should be a part of your healthcare team. Throughout the process, you should be able to trust them as they guide you through the healing process with their knowledge and expertise.


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